Phlebotomy Classes Brandon FL

Accredited Phlebotomy Course Brandon, FL

Discover accredited phlebotomy classes in Brandon, Florida offering both traditional and online phlebotomy certificate and associates degree programs. Enroll in a Brandon phlebotomy course that provides specialized training for handling, labeling, and transporting blood specimens within hospitals, laboratories, blood donation centers, and other relevant facilities. Quickly locate an Brandon based phlebotomy training class by entering your zip code in one the forms located below.

The Florida phlebotomist training schools below offer phlebotomy classes in Brandon Florida.

1. CNA Training & Testing Center in Brandon
2. Alliance Coastal Education in Brandon

1. CNA Training & Testing Center in Brandon

  • Phlebotomy classes Brandon FL are offered at the CNA Training & Testing Center in Brandon.

CNA Training & Testing Center in Brandon is located at:

808B Oakfield Drive
Brandon, FL 33511
Telephone: (813) 955-4237

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Phlebotomy Program Overview

Build skills as a phlebotomy technician.

The instructor led phlebotomy technician certification prepares students for the National Certification for Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT).

The phlebotomy technician certification preparation does not provide students with a diploma. It is designed to meet the National Certification curriculum requirements and includes theory and hands-on instruction, including venipuncture and collection of blood specimens.

New Classes Offered Monthly

Morning, Evening and Weekend Classes are available.

Cost & Fees for the Phlebotomy Certification Program

Registration Fee:

  • $50 (Due at the time of registration)
  • Includes set of scrubs and phlebotomy study guide

Class Fee:

  • $499 (Due one week prior to start date)

Background Fee:

  • N/A (not applicable)
  • Paid to reliable livescan on-site

Certification Exam Fee:

  • $125 (Paid to Certifying Agency)

Program Topics

The instructor led phlebotomy preparation program is designed for participants 18 years old or older seeking national certification for Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT).

Theory and clinical skills for collecting blood, basic laboratory procedures, and other clinical tasks are covered and it is aligned to meet the National Medical Career Assessment curriculum for designations as a Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT).

Sample Knowledge and Skill Topics

  • Phlebotomist job duties and responsibilities
  • Work environment and safety consideration
  • Methods of specimen collection including venipuncture
  • Capillary puncture and arterial puncture
  • Order of the draw
  • Transport of specimens
  • How to handle procedure complications
  • Special phlebotomy procedures such as:
    • Bleeding time
    • Blood alcohol testing
    • Blood donation testing

Admission Requirements

  • If you are at least 18 years old, a high school diploma or GED is not required.
  • Previous healthcare experience is not required.

Additional Details

The instructor-led phlebotomy preparation program prepares phlebotomy testing students for national certification for Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT). It is designed to meet the National Medical Career Assessment curriculum requirements and includes both theory and clinical skills for collecting blood, basic laboratory procedures, and other clinical tasks.

There is no state licensing exam for phlebotomy in Florida.

Upon completion of this preparation program, candidates will receive a certificate of completion and will be prepared to take and pass the exam for national certification as a Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT).

2. Alliance Coastal Education in Brandon

  • Phlebotomy courses in Brandon FL are offered at Alliance Coastal Education in Brandon.

Alliance Coastal Education in Brandon is located at:

115 Margaret St., Suite D
Brandon, Florida 33511
Telephone: (813) 708-7911

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Phlebotomy Technician Program Overview

Master the art of blood collection and become a certified phlebotomist.

Our phlebotomy courses offer comprehensive training in the art and science of drawing blood, preparing you for a vital role in healthcare diagnostics.

Under the guidance of experienced instructors, you’ll learn essential techniques, safety procedures, and best practices.

By the end of our course, you’ll be adept at providing a smooth, comfortable experience for patients while ensuring the highest quality samples for medical testing.

Register for our Phlebotomy course today and embark on a fulfilling career in this crucial healthcare field.